CESGA - Science and Technology Infrastructure
Finis Terrae supercomputer is managed by CESGA and it is included in the Map of Science and Technology Infrastructures (in spanish ICTS) from 2009. It is an integrated system of 144 shared memory nodes with a total of 20,000 GB of main memory, 390,000 GB disk and 2,580 Itanium processors. Also 56 AMD Magny-Cours nodes and 10 Intel Sandy Bridge nodes (1,536 cores and 4,080GB of main memory) are available.
Finis Terrae was cofinanced by the Regional Government of Galicia (Xunta de Galicia), the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
CESGA through periodic calls, offers access to its resources to researchers from the scientific community of EU countries, European Economic Area, countries of the CYTED program, and also to researchers with legal residence in any of these countries.
The main aim is to provide access to the researchers or research groups to CESGA's resources in order to carry out research projects, acquire knowledge or get training in technologies in use at the premises.
CESGA sets at the disposal of the ICT users 20% of computational hours available per year.